About us

Empowering Businesses Online with Jii Saaduddin via SEO Blade!

SEO Blade

The #1 Leading in Search Engine Marketing with Jii Saaduddin

SEO expert Jii Saaduddin, the founder of SEO Blade is a Davao-based agency dedicated to propelling businesses to the forefront of online visibility. Jii, with his team of seasoned experts, implements cutting-edge strategies to elevate brand exposure and achieve dominant search engine rankings.

Since 2022, SEO Blade has been the trusted partner for businesses across industries, crafting customized search engine marketing solutions that deliver exceptional results. Jii’s experience and expertise ensure a data-driven approach that maximizes your sales, online presence and drives tangible growth.

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Our Core Values


We strive for excellence in every campaign, ensuring our clients get top-notch results[10x].


We embrace innovation to stay ahead of the data marketing curve and deliver cutting-edge solutions[Birth of Purple Cow].


Collaboration is at the heart of our success, working closely with clients to achieve shared goals[Effective Tools].

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