Facebook Data 2024

Facebook Data 2024

Facebook Data 2024

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Facebook 2024

This report provides a comprehensive overview of Facebook’s user base, demographics, engagement, and advertising reach, based on information from reliable sources like Statista, SocialPilot, and The Social Shepherd (as of May 2024).

Facebook User and Demographics

Facebook User and Demographics

This section dives deep into the world of Facebook users, exploring their numbers, locations, and characteristics. With over 3 billion active users, Facebook remains the social media giant, but how is its user base evolving? We’ll explore trends in user growth, top countries for Facebook use, and the demographics of who’s scrolling and sharing. From a slight male majority to a millennial stronghold, understand who makes up the Facebook community and how it might be changing. pen_spark tune share


Number of Users

Over 3 billion monthly active users (MAUs): Facebook boasts the largest social media user base globally [Statista].


Growth Rate

Slow but steady growth: While user acquisition remains positive, the growth rate might be slowing down compared to previous years [SocialPilot].


Top Countries

India: Leads the pack with over 366 million users [Statista].
United States, Indonesia, and Brazil: Each have well over 100 million users [Statista].


Users by Region

Exact regional breakdowns are unavailable, but Facebook has a significant presence across all major regions



Gender: Slightly more male users than female (data may not account for non-binary users) [Hootsuite Blog].
Age: Millennials (aged 26-41) make up nearly half the user base, with a decline in teen users [Hootsuite Blog]. However, projections suggest Facebook will attract a wider demographic in the coming years [The Social Shepherd].


Average Age

Precise data unavailable, but likely skews towards Millennials (aged 26-41) based on user demographics.

Facebook in Focus
Who uses it and Why?

Facebook in Focus

Who uses it and Why?

Mobile Usage

Over 98% of users access Facebook through mobile devices [DataReportal].

Seamless Integration

This is a flexible section where you can share anything you want. It could be details or some information about feature two.

Engagement by Country

Data varies significantly by country and cultural factors. Generally, developing economies tend to have higher engagement rates.

Facebook Ads Reach

ou can potentially reach over 2.2 billion users with Facebook Ads (as of April 2023) [DataReportal]

Posts Engagement

Specific data on engagement frequency is unavailable, but Facebook facilitates billions of comments, likes, and content shares daily [The Social Shepherd].

Avg. Engagement Rate

Averages are difficult to determine due to diverse content types and user behavior. However, benchmarks exist for specific industries and content formats.

Facebook Comparison to Other Platforms

While Facebook remains the largest social media platform, others like Instagram (owned by Meta) and TikTok are seeing significant growth, particularly among younger demographics.

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